Carton Pro



David DeSandro’s jQuery Masonry plugin

This theme is built using David DeSandro’s jQuery Masonry plugin, which arranges elements vertically, positioning each one in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

Custom CSS Editor

Having full control over a theme and being able to customize it to get exactly what you want is a must. That’s why Carton Pro comes with a built in Custom CSS Editor. That way, you can make custom changes to the stylesheet and they will always be there, even after you update the theme. It’s an amazing feature that just goes to show how simple it is to use one of our themes to create a truly unique site.

Component Styles

Gridiculous uses Nicolas Gallagher’s Normalize.css to start things off on the right foot. Then we take some HTML5, CSS3 and fancy jQuery to make things work and look pretty awesome. Click through to the full post to see how certain components will look.

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