If you have something important to feature, set it as a sticky post and it will appear at the top of your home page styled just like this post. You can set any post format as a sticky post and…
The New Theme Customizer
Fully Responsive
Component Styles
Gridiculous Pro uses Nicolas Gallagher’s Normalize.css to start things off on the right foot. Then we take some HTML5, CSS3 and fancy jQuery to make things work and look pretty awesome. Click through to the full post to see how…
Image Gallery

This gallery contains 6 photos →
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
Mark Twain
Gridiculous Responsive Grid Layout Boilerplate
This theme is based on the responsive grid layout boilerplate of the same name. It is built to look great on any device, from your desktop all the way down to your mobile phone. Resize the browser window to get an idea of how it will react.