WordPress 3.4 Theme Customizer

With the release of WordPress 3.4 came the introduction of the new theme customizer. It is an amazing feature that allows you to preview all your modifications to the theme options before going live with your changes. Gridiculous was built specifically for WP 3.4 with the theme customizer in mind so creating a unique site is as easy a making a few small selections.


Gridiculous Responsive Grid Layout Boilerplate

This theme is based on the responsive grid layout boilerplate of the same name. It is built to look great on any device, from your desktop all the way down to your mobile phone. Resize the browser window to get an idea of how it will react.

Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
Mark Twain

Multiple Widgetized Area

Gridiculous offers three different widgetized areas: the header area, the home page top area and the sidebar. Right next to your site name is a widgetized area that is perfect for a search bar or ad banner. On the home page, one of the greatest features of Gridiculous is the ability to display three text widgets right below your navigation menu so you can promote certain aspects of your site or business.


I just completed Gridiculous for WordPress version 1.0. It is a fully responsive FREE theme that will soon be available on WordPress.org. The demo is up so drop by and take a look.

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